Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tea Party Protests
In recent months Americans have been using the example of their forefathers (and mothers) and protesting some of their governments policies. They call these protests "Tea Party Protests." I want you to do some research and find out exactly WHAT the modern day Tea Party Protesters where protesting. Also, I want you to tell me how effective you think these protests are. Finally, I want you to brainstorm a more effective protest.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Manners and Etiquette
A large part of a colonial schoolchild's day was spent learning manners or etiquette. What are manners and etiquette you ask? They are the "proper" behavior in different settings. For example, there was an entire book colonial schoolchildren read called The School of Manners that detailed how to behave in school. But, the book also contained tips for proper behavior while in conversation, while sitting at the dinner table and every imaginable setting you can... well, imagine! Your job is to do some research on the internet and see if you can find ten rules of "proper" behavior in a school setting. Once you have done this I would like you to write down the following: 5 things that a teacher does that you think is rude; 5 things that your friends do that you think is rude; and finally (and most importantly) 5 things that YOU do that you think others perceive as rude.

Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Log Cabin
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Diversity is something the Middle Colonies were known for. Their population included French, Swedish, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, African, Scots-Irish, Dutch, German, and English settlers. Among these different groups were a plethora (a lot) of different religions. How diverse are we here in Temecula? Do some research and list all of the different types of churches/religions we have here in Temecula. Also, do some research on yourself, what is your ethnic background (i.e. Where does your family come from?).
By the way, when you post your comment it comes to me first and I must approve it BEFORE it gets posted, so don't worry if your post does not show up right away.
By the way, when you post your comment it comes to me first and I must approve it BEFORE it gets posted, so don't worry if your post does not show up right away.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Custer's Last Stand
I saw this and thought it was funny. What event is it talking about? Take a look at it (laugh, hopefully) and analyze it. What elements of a political cartoon does it contain? To aid you, the aspects of a political cartoon are the following: Satire, Caricature, Symbolism, Metaphor, Irony, Sarcasm, and Stereotype. Remember, this political cartoons contains AT LEAST three of these aspects.

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Panic vs. Recession
It is always amazing to me when learning or teaching about history how much that is going on today are problems that we have faced before. In light of what we have been learning and what is going on in the world today I want you to find out the similarities and differences between the Panic of 1873 and today's Recession. What caused the Panic of 1873 and what caused today's Recession? What happened during the Panic of 1873 and what is happening now (i.e. bank failures, stock market crash, etc.)? How long did the Panic of 1873 last? How did the nation recover from this Panic?

Current political cartoon about the Recession

Political Cartoon from 1873

Current political cartoon about the Recession

Political Cartoon from 1873
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Plessy vs. Ferguson
In the landmark Supreme Court case of Plessy vs. Ferguson segregation laws were upheld. These laws, commonly called Jim Crow Laws were not overturned until the 1960's. Briefly explain Plessy vs. Ferguson (try to do it in two sentences or less) and find out what landmark Supreme Court case overturned Plessy vs. Ferguson AND explain that case (again, in two sentences or less).

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Modern Humor
I saw this political cartoon today and it totally cracked me up. Take a look at it (laugh, hopefully) and analyze it. What elements of a political cartoon does it contain? To aid you, the aspects of a political cartoon are the following: Satire, Caricature, Symbolism, Metaphor, Irony, Sarcasm, and Stereotype. Remember, this political cartoons contains AT LEAST three of these aspects.

Thursday, April 9, 2009
School Name
It has come to my attention that Vail Ranch is thinking about renaming the school (not really, just for purposes of this blog). The two names they are thinking about are Abraham Lincoln Middle School and Robert E Lee Middle School. Write a proposal to the Principal explaining your thoughts. Make sure to back up your opinion with facts about these two men and why or why not the school should be named in their honor. Your comment should be at least one paragraph long.

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Election of 1860
Using your knowledge of the Constitution and the Causes of the Civil War analyze the map of the Election of 1860 (link). What states were the most populous? What states had slaves? Why do you think Lincoln was so popular? Did Lincoln win in any states that had slaves? Here is a link to a map of the Election of 2008, did those states that voted for Lincoln in 1860 vote for Obama in 2008? Why is this (or is this not) ironic?

Thursday, March 12, 2009
A House Divided
Lincoln gave a very important (some would say prescient which means perceiving the significance of events before they occur) speech before the beginning of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates. The speech is long and rather flowery but the most important part of the speech was:
In my opinion, it will not cease, until a crisis shall have been reached, and passed.
Relate this excerpt to today's "crisis" (that is, our economy). Imagine that Barack Obama has come to you and wants to use this excerpt in an upcoming speech. Re-write this excerpt to reflect today's "crisis."
In my opinion, it will not cease, until a crisis shall have been reached, and passed.
"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free.
I do not expect the Union to be dissolved -- I do not expect the house to fall -- but I do expect it will cease to be divided.
It will become all one thing or all the other.
I would like you to analyze that part of the speech. What is the "crisis?" What does he mean when he says "A House divided against itself cannot stand?" Where does this phrase come from? In your opinion does this excerpt clearly show his opinion of slavery? How?OR
Relate this excerpt to today's "crisis" (that is, our economy). Imagine that Barack Obama has come to you and wants to use this excerpt in an upcoming speech. Re-write this excerpt to reflect today's "crisis."
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Women's Rights
In the 1800's the Women's Rights Movement gained steam because a group of Women came together at the Seneca Falls Convention. While there these women drafted a document called the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions. I have provided a LINK for you. Please peruse this document and tell me the following: How is this similar to the Declaration of Independence? What were some of the rights the women wanted? Who was the Declaration of Sentiments directed at? How effective do YOU think this document is/was?

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Obama's Speech
As many of you (should) know, Obama gave a speech to Congress on Tuesday night. This speech is given every year and is called The State of the Union Address. It is a chance for the President to share his agenda with both the Congress and the country (and the world for that matter).
I would like you to peruse his speech and tell me the following: What did you think? What do you think is the biggest challenge faced by Obama?
You can research the FIRST State of the Union and answer the following: Who gave the FIRST State of the Union? When? What was said?
I would like you to peruse his speech and tell me the following: What did you think? What do you think is the biggest challenge faced by Obama?
You can research the FIRST State of the Union and answer the following: Who gave the FIRST State of the Union? When? What was said?

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Political Cartoons
Political Cartoons are powerful tools if used correctly. I have found some modern-day political cartoons that deal with issues going on in our society. Analyze ONE of these cartoons. First, tell me what the cartoon is about. Then tell me what aspects the political cartoon contains AND how it contains them. To aid you, the aspects of a political cartoon are the following: Satire, Caricature, Symbolism, Metaphor, Irony, Sarcasm, and Stereotype. Remember, these political cartoons contain AT LEAST three of these aspects.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Lewis and Clark
Lewis and Clark faced many difficulties on their journey West. But, as you well know, they also discovered many new and exciting things (like the fact that there was no all-water route to the Pacific Ocean). Much of their party, though, were very typical for the time. I have provided a LINK for you to explore some of the biographies of these explorers. Read through some of these biographies and identify how you might have something in common with these explorers. Copy and paste the part of the biography that you have in common with these explorers and explain how you relate to them.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
As we are currently learning about slavery and knowing that this becomes an issue that Americans have to confront head-on (i.e. Civil War) I have provided you with a link to a website that showcases some of the privations (hardships) of being a slave. Please read the excerpts and provide me with a one paragraph response about what you have read. What is most striking to you? Put yourself in their shoes, how might you have dealt with these hardships?

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Obama's Speech
For those of you that actually watched the speech, or for those of you that didn't but wanted to I have found a link to the text of the speech. What I want to know, is what you thought of it. Profound? Mundane? Long? Short? Boring? Go ahead and take another look at the speech, copy and paste a part of it into your comment and write one paragraph about what you thought about that portion. Be insightful, write intelligently, be a student of history!

Monday, January 5, 2009
Educated Leadership
Did you know that both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both valued education so highly they felt that educated Americans would NATURALLY rise to lead America (as they had). And, for the most part, they were right. Why do you think this is? Must you be well educated to be a good leader?
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