Thursday, September 3, 2009
Manners and Etiquette
A large part of a colonial schoolchild's day was spent learning manners or etiquette. What are manners and etiquette you ask? They are the "proper" behavior in different settings. For example, there was an entire book colonial schoolchildren read called The School of Manners that detailed how to behave in school. But, the book also contained tips for proper behavior while in conversation, while sitting at the dinner table and every imaginable setting you can... well, imagine! Your job is to do some research on the internet and see if you can find ten rules of "proper" behavior in a school setting. Once you have done this I would like you to write down the following: 5 things that a teacher does that you think is rude; 5 things that your friends do that you think is rude; and finally (and most importantly) 5 things that YOU do that you think others perceive as rude.

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Okay These are rules I found that I believe are applicable to a school setting:
ReplyDelete1. Keep your Nails clean and Short, also your Hands and Teeth Clean yet without Shewing any great Concern for them.
2.Shift not yourself in the Sight of others nor Gnaw your nails.
3.Shew Nothing to your Freind that may affright him.
4.Every Action done in Company, ought to be with Some Sign of Respect, to those that are Present.
5. When you Sit down, Keep your Feet firm and Even, without putting one on the other or Crossing them.
6.Do not Puff up the Cheeks, Loll not out the tongue rub the Hands, or beard, thrust out the lips, or bite them or keep the Lips too open or too Close.
7.If any one come to Speak to you while you are are Sitting Stand up tho he be your Inferiour, and when you Present Seats let it be to every one according to his Degree.
8.In writing or Speaking, give to every Person his due Title According to his Degree & the Custom of the Place.
9.Run not in the Streets, neither go too slowly nor with Mouth open go not Shaking yr Arms kick not the earth with yr feet, go not upon the Toes, nor in a Dancing fashion.
10.Never express anything unbecoming, nor Act agst the Rules Moral before your inferiours.
And now time for the easy part;)
Not awnsering questions
Punishing the whole class for 1 persons mistakes
Being too harsh
Not knowing where to draw the line in embaresment
Going WAY WAY WAY to fast
Not listening
talking over you
not listeningg
not helping when you ask
not texting back
not remembering your bday:(
And for Me
not listening the first time
being too critical
being a little spacey sometimes...
talking over them
being too busy sometimess
AND a intresting note: It looks like the same stuff annoys me that i do... ehh thats weird!! lol =)
Danielle Vail p.5
ReplyDeleteHere are 10 rules of proper school behavior, http://www.schoolofchoice.com/academy/rules.html
1. We respect each other's safety, taking no action that might endanger ourselves or others.
2. We respect each other's learning experience, minimizing disturbances to help others realize their full potential.
3. We respect other people's ideas, religion, values, and aspirations by listening carefully and avoiding falsehood, prejudice, insult and innuendo.
4. We respect each other's property: we return the borrowed, replace the broken, and clean the untidy.
5. We avoid immoral behavior because our thoughts, appearances, words and actions strengthen and exemplify sound character.
6. We obey the rules of the American republic: state laws, school rules and student rules.
7. We respect others' intellectual accomplishments by refusing to cheat ourselves of time well spent developing the richness and integrity of our beliefs.
8. We show up on time with prepared assignments that fulfill our responsibilities.
9. We are honor-bound to admit and amend our shortcomings and to report misdeeds to the proper authority so that our friends do not suffer continued injustice.
10. We accept personal responsibility to build a healthy, lifelong learning community which betters everyone's mind, body and spirit.
5 things teachers do that are rude.
1. They assume they know what has happened without listening to the students story.
2. They jump to conclutions
3. When teachers rush through lessons and dont stop for questions
4. When teachers talk down to you
5. When they dont care about anything but thereselves.
Five things friends do that are rude
1. when they stab you in the back
2. when they repace you
3. when you cant trust them
4. when they yell at you
5. when they are dissapointed in you
Five things i do
1. When I have let a friend down
2. When I jump to conclutions
3. When I have let a friend down
4. When I am angry for no reason
5. When I talk badly about someone
I think the 10 rules to Proper behavior in a school setting are:
ReplyDelete1. Not touching other people's belongings
2. Doing your OWN work, not others.
3. Not throwing anything (pens, pencils, erasers, ect.)
4. Taking good care of school posessions (books,teacher's colored pencils, ect.)
5. Paying attention and not disturbing others while the teacher is talking
6. Not asking the most annoying questions to a teacher while everyone is listening to him/her. (Like asking to go to the bathroom, when you don't really need to go.)
7. Respecting others, not just your friends.
8. Turning things in on time.
9. Get to class on time.
10. Don't interrupt others while they are talking.
5 things I think teachers do that are rude/ unfair:
1. They interrupt us while we're asking a question. (we don't get to say the whole question and they think they understand what we're trying to say, but they don't)
2. Accuse of us things we didn't do based on suspicion, not facts.
3. Let the rest of us know another student's grade.
4. Call us names and make us feel stupid.
5. Assume the worst without letting us explain.
5 things that friends do to you that I think is pretty mean:
1. Talk about you behind your back.
2. Embarrass you to make themselves look good.
3. Tell someone else's secret. "Someone" being your friend
4. Grabbing your things without saying. (grabbing your eraser, accidently putting in their backpack, and never giving it back)
5. Never saying sorry/ always saying sorry.
5 things I think are rude:
1. People who never say thank you even if you buy lunch for them
2. People who "borrow" something and never give it back
3. People that cheat you.
4. People who look down on you because you are of a different religion or race
5. People who stick their noses into EVERYTHING.
Those are the most annoying and rude things I could think of..... :)
Eurie Oh
ReplyDeleteperiod 7
Five things that I consider rude for a teacher.
1. When teachers ignore you
2. When they make fun of or humiliate you
3. When they talk about personal issues in public 4. Blaming students when they aren't even at fault
5. when they show favoritism to a select few students
Five things that my friends do that I think are rude
1. when they tell secrets to some people infront of you without letting you join in on the converstion
2. when they talk about you behind your back
3. when they eat with their mouth open
4. when they leave you out in some games/events
5. when they take things that are yours without your permision
Five things I do that people consider rude
1. when I talk back
2. when I'm inconsiderate
3. when I dont listen to my elders
4. when I argue to my brother
5. when I complain
10 proper ules in school
ReplyDelete1. Keep hands and feet to your self
2. Listen to others when they are talking
3. Take turns
4. Remember manners
5. Always try your hardest
6. Put your hand up - no shouting in class
7. Be nice
8. Consider others feelings
9. Be on time
5 things teachers do that are rude
1. They tell us NO EATING IN CLASS but they do it
2. They tell us not to interupt us but they do it all the time when we are answering a question
3. They tell us no gum chewing but they do it
4. They take personal calls during class
5. They ignore kids who have been quit and have had their hands up longer than anyone else
5 things my friends do that is rude
1. They dis-obey rules
2. They get people in trouble
3. They are talking while the teacher is
4. They chew gum
5. They shout out
5 things i do that are rude
1. I sometimes chew gum
2. I guess i sometimes talk when out of turn
3. i get kinda bored in class and it shows :)
4. some times i dont do what im supposed to right away
5. sometimes i have to much fun in class and i gets out of hand
Five things that a teacher does that's rude is eatting in class, chewing gum, looking at you and seeing that you have your hand up with a quetion but not calling you or coming to see what you need, keeping the whole class after when you were not one of the ones taling and, talking on thier cell phone during class. Five things that my friends do that is rude is talking when im trying to talk, not following rules and, talking behind other peoples back. Five things that I do that are rude is talking to loud sometimes, saying something when someone else is trying to talk,fighting with friends and, not being that nice to my mom sometimes.
ReplyDeleteHeres 10 proper behavior for school manners i have found..
ReplyDelete1. be at your seat before the bell rings.
2. Come to class prepared. Have the proper books and writing utensils.
3. Sit up straight in your chair.
4. Raise your hand if you wish to speak.
5. Do not pass notes.
6. Do not talk while the teacher is talking or while another student is speaking.
7. Do not get up from your seat without permission.
8. Write your name neatly on all papers, and keep them smooth.
9. Take care of your books and papers. Keep them neat.
10. Do not leave until the teacher dismisses you.
Now for the second part..
5 rude teacher manners..
1. When you tell a teacher how to correctly say your name and they ignore you. Calling you by the wrong name the rest of the year.
2. when they spell your name wrong the WHOLE year even though you have corrected them.
3. When you've been absent for something tragic and is gone from school for 1+ week & they know what happened to you but yet the 1st thing theeyt say when you walk in the door is.. "you have a test to take!"
4.when if you want to trade seats or something they dont even consider your argument all they sayis no, & act like you dont know what their talking about.
5. When they make you run too much not caring about how much their working you & how you feel like passing out!
Rude Friends
1. When they interrupt you when your talking.
2 When they ditch you to hang out with someone "popular"
3. When they act like your not there and act different because they want to look cool in front of popular people.
4. They are constantly using you & not returning the favor.
5. Talk about you with other "friends" behind your back
Rude Me
1. Talk with too much attitude
2. bump in to people.
3. roll my eyes.
4. interrupt people
5. do things just because i know it will make people mad.
Well i think thats it? i got a 75% on the last test so i REALLY need some xtra credit!
1.raise your hand to be called on
ReplyDelete2.come to class prepared
3.be respectful of other people’s ideas
4.keep your hands and feet to yourself
5.say Please, Thank you, Excuse me, and I’m sorry.
6.work hard in class, even if you have to pretend to be interested
7.remove your hat in class
8.think before you speak
9.clean up after yourself
10.listen to your teacher
Teachers are rude when they:
1.Ignore you
2.Act like you don't have a clue about life
3.single out the students they don't like
4.over react to certain things but not others
5. yell loudly
Friends are rude when they:
1. talk about what they do that you didn't or can't do
2.talk over you
3. interupt you
4. say something that is untrue
5. over react or make a scene
i am rude when i:
1.do something better than someone else
2.if im in bad mood it could rub off on others
3.if i leave someone out
4.if i completely disagree with someone
5. i slouch alot
Proper behavior in a school setting-
ReplyDelete1.raising your hand
2.not shouting out
3.dont talk when teachers talking
4.arrive to class on time
5.avoiding side converstations
6.adressing teacher properly
7.be attentive in class
8.avoid watching clock for time
9.participate when asked
10.adress teacher when you have to miss class
Five things a teacher does I think is rude-
1.ignores when peoples hands are raised
2.has cell phone on in class
3.plays favorites
4.not listen when you're talking to them
5.most importantly, when they give hard tests
Five things my friends do i think is rude-
1.on their cell phone the whole time when your hanging out.
2.when they dont stop talking about "that boy" and wont let me get my stories in
3.not really listening when you're talking
4.everything has to be their way
5.ignores you for "that boy"
Five things I do that people percieve as rude-
1.i talk about dance alot
2.sometimes i ignore people
3.i interrupt people rarely
4.sometimes sarcasm isn't funny
5.i ignore people when stories are to long
-Emily Sullivan Period 8 :P
10 Propor Behavior School Rules:
ReplyDelete1. Come to class on Time.
2.Begin the start up activity within 1 minute after the tardy bell
3.Attend to personal needs before coming to class
4.Remain in your assigned seat unless you have permission to get up.
5.Do not eat candy or other food in class unless you have been given special permission.
6.Bring required materials every day unless you are otherwise directed.
7.Talk only when permitted
8.Use polite speech and body language.
9.Do not cheat.
10.Follow the teacher's directions immediately.
The 5 Things That Teachers Do That’s Rude is:
1. Gives us dirty faces
2. When a teacher calls us lame or to shut up, trust me happen to me before not gonna say names though…
3. When the teacher yells at you when you don’t get the correct answer right
4. When they forget to give you a paper
5. When the teacher doesn’t say it they spray it
The 5 Things I Think My Friends Do That’s Rude is:
1. When they say they don’t like what your wearing
2. When they brag a lot
3. When their disrespectful
4. When they embarrass you
5. When they ask you to give them food from your lunch
The 5 Things I Think I Do That’s Rude is:
1. When I talk back to my parents
2. When I forget to say please
3. When I forget to say thank you
4. When I don’t do my chores
5. When I interrupt
-Jeanette Hurtado Per.4
Proper behavior in school would be
ReplyDelete>Be at the in your seat when the bell rings
>Come to class prepared
>Sit up straight in your chair
>Raise your hand before you speak
>do not leave until the teacher dismisses you
>stay on task
>finish homework on time
>finish projects on time and correctly
>have a positive attitude
>study for tests when your supposed to
Well I think it’s rude when teachers
>make us do a lot of homework that takes like 5 hours to do
>assign a lot of tests
>give out boring assignments
>give out assignments like PowerPoint projects that you have too talk about in front of a class
>make us carry around textbooks in our backpacks
I thinks it’s rude when my friends
>ditch me
>don’t return my calls
>whine about not getting a good grade on a test
>talk about the dumbest things
I think it’s rude when I
>disrespect my parents
>don’t finish my homework
>not clean my room
>annoy my little sister
>and do something I am not suppose to do
christina mccalmont
These are some pretty basic rules found in classrooms all over the world. (http://www.schoolofchoice.com/academy/rules.html#general)
ReplyDelete1. We respect each other's safety, taking no action that might endanger ourselves or others.
2. We respect each other's learning experience, minimizing disturbances to help others realize their full potential.
3. We respect other people's ideas, religion, values, and aspirations by listening carefully and avoiding falsehood, prejudice, insult and innuendo.
4. We respect each other's property: we return the borrowed, replace the broken, and clean the untidy.
5. We avoid immoral behavior because our thoughts, appearances, words and actions strengthen and exemplify sound character.
6. We obey the rules of the American republic: state laws, school rules and student rules.
7. We respect others' intellectual accomplishments by refusing to cheat ourselves of time well spent developing the richness and integrity of our beliefs.
8. We show up on time with prepared assignments that fulfill our responsibilities.
9. We are honor-bound to admit and amend our shortcomings and to report misdeeds to the proper authority so that our friends do not suffer continued injustice.
10. We accept personal responsibility to build a healthy, lifelong learning community which betters everyone's mind, body and spirit.
1. Yells at kids not paying attention.
2. Don’t answer your questions
3. When they tell you to actually try your best when you really are.
4. Say you’re not using your full potential
5. Don’t make good study guides
1. Talk to you during notes
2. Copy your answers on a test putting you at risk
3. Claiming your work as their own
4. Try to embarrass you cause they think it’s funny
5. Hit you
1. Pop my gum
2. Consistently ask for help
3. Elbow them on accident
4. Being sarcastic…. All the time
5. Not paying attention to them