Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Log Cabin

The log cabin is something that has entered American Mythology. Yet, it was this humble dwelling that many famous Americans called home when they were born. Your job is to do some research and find out how many famous Americans have either been born in (or claim to be born in) a log cabin.


  1. Aborham Lincon was the most famous president of them all. George W. was also born in a log cabin. James garfeild was the last president that was born in a log cabin. Andrew Jackson was born in a log cabin. -Ashley Cornell

  2. one famous person that was born in a log cabin would be James A. Garfeild, Abe Lincon, Andrew Jackson, James A. Polk, Daniel boone, davy crockett, Sam Houston, George Custer, James Buchanan, William McKinley, George Washington Carver, Brooker T. Washington, Jesse James and John Wilkes Booth.
    from, Christina McCalmont

  3. my name is moises talavera lincion was born in a log cabin. jackson was also born in a log cabin. james abram garfield. washtion was aslo born in a log cabin.

  4. I did some research and I came up with theese people:

    Abraham Lincoln
    George W. Bush
    James Garfeild
    Andrew Jackson
    William Henry Harrison
    Ulysses S. Grant
    Andrew Johnson

    Thats really all I could find!!
    ~Emily Sullivan P.8

  5. Danielle Vail p.5
    I did some research and believe there where 4 famous american historians born in a log cabin. They are William Henry Harrison(9th president of the united states), Abraham Lincoln(16th president of the united states), Ulysses S. Grant(18th president of the united states), And Andrew Jackson(7th president of the united states).

  6. There have been 8 famous Americans that have been born or claimed to be born in a log cabin.(Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, James Buchanan, James Garfield, Millard Fillmore,William Henry Harrison, Congressman Adlai Stevenson, Confederate President Jefferson Davis)

    Jonathan Lucas

  7. Elizabeth K. Per. 8August 27, 2009 at 6:04 PM

    Many people in American History were born in a log cabin.

    However, there were 7 presidents who were, or claimed to be born, in a log cabin. This includes:

    -Abraham Lincoln (the guy on the 5 dollar bill and penny)

    -Andrew Jackson (the guy who appears on the 20 dollar bill)

    -James Buchanan

    -Millard Fillmore

    -James Abram Garfield

    -Franklin Pierce

    -Zachary Taylor

    Of these 7 presidents, Abraham Lincoln was one of the most famous to be known to be born in a log cabin. I am pretty sure so many others have been born in log cabins, but these are probably only presidents who have been born in a log cabin. You cannot imagine how many lies they have posted in the internet.

  8. There have been seven United States Presidents born in log cabins. Some of the most famous presidents that were born in log cabins are; (in chronological order) Andrew Jackson, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and James Abram Garfield.

  9. Andrew jackson
    George f shannon
    James Bucucana
    David L Swain
    joseph lane
    abe linclon all were born in cabins

  10. austin hawthorne 5th periodAugust 27, 2009 at 6:42 PM

    abe lincoln, annie oakley, john tyler jr., james buchanan, andrew jackson, zachary taylor milard fillmore ulysses s grant and james garfield......that is 8 and there is probably some more tht i missed

  11. Karin Thrasher Period 2 :)August 27, 2009 at 8:10 PM

    Okayy.. So It took me about forever and a half but I finally came up with some results..:) I found
    ~Laura Ingalles Wilder- Famous Author
    ~Abraham Lincoln- President
    ~James Garfield- President
    ~David Crockett
    ~Millard Fillmore- Vice President
    ~Andrew Jackson- President
    ~George Shannon- US attorney, LC Expidition
    ~Edward Creal- US Representitive for Kentucky
    ~Edward Martin- General For the US army in world war 2
    ~Louis Fairfield- US Representitve from Indiana

    :)Thats what I found(:

  12. The only people i could find are James Garfield, George Bush, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, and Ulysses Grant

    I think they all were President
    but i dont know cus the people i named i never saw they names before only George bush hehe o well i think i named all the presidents.
    I could only find presidents and i looked a lot of times for more people!

    -kylie petersen period.7

  13. Gabby Manglicmot per.2August 27, 2009 at 10:23 PM

    The famous Americans that were born or claimed to born in a log cabin were: Presidents William Henry Harrison(the 9th president), Abraham Lincoln(the 16th pesident), Ulysses S. Grant(the 18th president), James Buchanan Jr.(the 15th president), Andrew Jackson(the 7th president), and Adlai Stevenson(Democratic Party's nomination for president in 1952 and 1956).
