Monday, November 3, 2008

Why learn history?

After being asked this question on several occassions I found some witty quotes pertaining to this exact issue that I would like to share with you.

The history of the world is but the biography of great men.- THOMAS CARLYLE, Heroes and Hero-Worship, The Hero as Divinity

History ... is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind.- EDWARD GIBBON, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illumines reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance in daily life and brings us tidings of antiquity. -CICERO, Pro Publio Sestio (BY THE WAY, CICERO WAS A FAMOUS ROMAN ORATOR [SPEAKER] AND WAS PRESENT AT THE ASSASINATION OF CAESER)

To remain ignorant of things that happened before you were born is to remain a child. -CICERO

What experience and history teach is this -- that people and governments never have learned anything from history or acted on the principles deduced from it. -G.W.F. HEGEL, Philosophy of History


  1. "History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illumines reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance in daily life and brings us tidings of antiquity."

    Mr F. ,
    Great sentence. Whether you found it or wrote it!

    Amanda K.

  2. Hey Mr.Fabbozi
    Learning history is good because you learn what has happened whether it be a minute ago or thousands of years ago. You learn about every thing. The greatest song EVER ROCK LOBSTER (which you should play!) is old so it is part of history.
    P.S.-Please play ROCK LOBSTER
    P.S.S.-Please Tell me the ingredients in a Mr.Fabbozi at Red Robin

  3. "Hey" is for horses Mr. Friesz
    As for playing Rock Lobster, all in due time my friend, all in due time...
    And, as for the ingredients in a Mr. Fabozzi:
    Burger, Cheddar Cheese, Fried Egg, 3 Strips of Bacon, Onion Straws, Lettuce, Tomato, BBQ Sauce, and Bun

  4. I get y we learn history but i mean seriously: WHY LEARN SCIENCE? Gahhh wat a frustrating subject...
    Btw. there's a 99% chance that i will be in the film business when i grow up. So i don't think math or science applys to me. So there should be like...selective classes. I'd still take s.s though, there are many amazing histoiry movies! Like Atonement, Titanic, The Alamo, and a buncho short films i saw at the film festival (Well Atonement is more time period but its like from the past so i consider it historyical )

  5. Schindler's List, Elephant Man, The Great Escape, Hotel Rwanda, The Patriot, Gandhi, Z,
    V For Vendetta, Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages, Inherit the Wind,
    Letters from Iwo Jima, Becket, A Night to Remember, JFK, The Longest Day, Glory, The Grapes of Wrath, Gettysburg, Braveheart, Apollo 13, and if you count Gone with the Wind.

    You are so right Maddy there are great historical movies! I have not seen that many though.

  6. Let me see... which of Amanda's list I have NOT seen: Hotel Rwanda, Z (never heard of it), Intolerance, Inherit the Wind, Becket (again, never heard of it) which do you recommend?

  7. Well to be quite honest Mr. Fabozzi,
    Z was....... lame its first of all a french film which wouldnt normaly be bad except I got sick of reading all the big words in French. Hotel Rwanda is pretty good, but I can't really pronounce the last part of it.:C Its about the Rwandan Genocide, which I can not pronounce either. Intolerance is a movie set in the 1916's and its silent. Inherit the Wind is prob. my faveorite just because it's the most entertaining, for me that is. It's also a broadway play. I really only got to see about half of Becket, and then I fell asleep. But from what I can remember of it is, I believe The Enligh King Henry II , who, falls for his friend. (1964)
    Sorry this post is so long and boring, I would most likly go with...Inherit the Wind or Becket. Even though I did not finish Becket, when I woke up, I was told that I missed out!
    Any recommendations from you?

  8. i havent seen hotel rwanda but i hurt it is AMAZING...and extremely sad :(

  9. Amanda, thanks for the synopsis. I will have to look into these films. No good recommendations from me, I think you just about covered them all. I too, heard that Hotel Rwanda is amazing.

  10. *heard8 it was amazing, sorry :) Have hurt on the mind lol

  11. You are very welcome! Really you both heard it was amazing? I had never even heard of it till I saw it!

  12. Yepp. I heard it from my friend Kat who said it was the best movie everr and the movie shes cried the most in. lol. So idk if i want too see it cause my friends always make fun of me in The Notebook, (in my top 5 fave movies ever played along with sweeney todd, edward sissorhands, juno, and RENT[even tho the play is x100000 better]) titanic, and atonement for bawling my eyes out. lol. i'm so pathetic during romances :)

  13. Could you answer this question for me Mr. Fabozzi?Can only policemen get warrants to search your house or can anyone get a warrant with a witness nad a "probable cause"?

  14. What is probable cause?
