Saturday, November 29, 2008


I am, right now, standing in front of the Old State House in the middle of Boston. Tell me, my fellow historians, what happened on this spot that is important to our history?

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  1. Mr. Fabozzi,
    That would be right outside where the Boston Massacre took place is it not? Also I was not sure about my anwser so I found this on the internet (god, dont you just love the internet?)
    The Declaration of Independence was proclaimed from the balcony to the citizens of Boston in 1776.
    I think I have a picture of me standing outside of it when I went to Boston in 05'.
    Amanda K.

  2. Amanda, you are EXACTLY correct, as usual!!! And right on on the proclaiming of the Declaration, Abigail Adams (John Adams wife) was in the crowd listening and thought she had never heard anything sweeter.

  3. Heck yes! Did she really think she had never heard anything sweeter? That's funny.

  4. It is true, imagine the weight of responsibility on your shoulders, especially if you were the wife of someone as prominent as John Adams.

  5. How did u make this as you were infront of it? Laptop?
